Woots! Today is still a sian day in school. Hmm. As usual. HAHA! Wah sai! Body still aching sia! What the bloody hell!
Okay Okay, first period was english. Did the proposal thingy. Not bad quiet a fast one though. Than, after english was maths. Hmm, did circles. And i was stuck haflway. Hmm.! Anyway, after that it was POA. I WAS SO SUPER RESPONSIVE CAN? hahaha! (x ! hehe. YEAH TEST WAS CANCEL UP TO NEXT TUESDAY. (x ! Hmm, but still tomorrow got maths test.! OUCH OUCH OUCH! hahaha! Hmm, kay. After POA was recess. Than after recess was mother tounge. Hmm LESSON WAS BORING. Anyway, after mother tounge was social studies. Hmm, well, sat with bing hui kor kor. He's an ass can? MAKE ME LAUGH! hahaha! The whole period was like laughing. Freak lah! My body is aching and he still make me laugh. HAHAHAHA! Than it was physics. Okay sian! Physics was super sian. )x ! hahaha!
After school, hidayu followed me home. Hmm, she was to help me to take picture for my art. (uploaded some above and edited). (x ! Than went to westmall with her to develop pictures to draw the picture on my canvas. WOOTS! i suppose to draw it now but i havent. hahaha! (x ! Hmm doing it later. hehehe! Oh my god! On the way to westmall, its like i met someone i never expected to meet lah. HAIZ! i was so like shocked lah! What the hell! Hmm. Whatever, i shall not talk about it lah. It makes me blood go upstairs! KAY!
FINE! Today i almost lost my wallet lah! FREAK! Luckily an auntie and her son saw it. They were looking and looking than i ran to them and her son was saying it was mine. (x !! CARELESS ASS RIGHT ME?! hahaha!
Hmm. Kay lah! i need to go. need to draw on my canvas. Haiz! TOODLES!
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