Hmm. HAIYO! Today had to bring the canvas to school. Its like so hard to carry it here and there. Hmm. Never mind. Anyway, first two periods was art. Mr tan told me to re do my drawing on the XXX thing. hahaha! Oh well, its like, i need to have the exact measurement for the exact things in order to make it look identical. Anyway, ya did only the XXX thing for 2 straight hours. WOO! Hmm. My eyes go ku ku sia! hahaha! Than all 5 of us were late for maths test lorr.
Hmm, anyway, did take the maths test but it was so hard. I did anyhow. HAIZ! Except for the graph. Which was the last question. Anyway, after maths was recess. Hmm. Was still talking about the racial harmony thingy tomorrow. (: ! Hmm. Okay. Than it was english. SAI! i slept almost the whole period lah! Hmm. Body is still aching, than got sudden headache. What the hell! Hmm. Than it was mother tounge. Okay. Lesson is interesting today. LAUGH ALL THE WAY. HAHAHA! (x !! FINE FINE! than it was POA. Again, i'm responsive. hahaha! (x
After school, went to collect my canvas which was left in the art room. Hmm. Mr Tan says its okay to bring it home as the rain wasnt heavy. It was just drizzling. (x ! So ya brought it home. Hmm. Took the MRT home with the canvas is rather pathetic. People's eyes were darting at you and the canvas. As though signaling they want to see what's in the black sheet of plastic. DUMB! hahaha!
Okay reach home around 3 plus. Hmm. Than was watching tv. While watching i fall into a deep deep sleep. HAHA! I wouldn't be waking up around 6plus if An didn't call me up. HEHE! (: ! Hmm. Okay Okay!
im so excited for tommorrow!
i better get going.
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